There are two parts of world- day and night. Day represents all good and night represents all evil and bad.
‘‘There’s a monster lies within’’.
Sometimes we conquer it or it conquers us. When you’re on edge of evil, just think one thing – where do you want to belong?
Good world contains good people, selfless relations, love, kindness, satisfaction, stability.
Bad world contains all contradictory of good world. There’s a monster lies within us, so it’s totally up to you whether to live below or above it.
We’re humans and its not great discovery, but discovery of ourselves is crucial discovery. We may make mistakes and get violent too, but two evil words may damage our whole godlike life.
Patience is the strongest suit of good world where bad world offer you simple options at first, but later only grief we get.
When you feel nice, naive joy you feel like you’re in the heaven and you should remember it as a memory mark. If you feel to be bad, go back to the memory mark and tell yourself that you’d not feel the real joy if you do bad.
Grief makes us impatient, helpless and shows us bad ways, but it only testes us and our limits.
We’ve two hearts. There may be bad lies within your heart, but keeping it is wrong. Bad thoughts may come in your mind, but it’s not wrong, but giving it space to settle or ponder is first step towards the sin.
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‘‘There’s a monster lies within’’.
Sometimes we conquer it or it conquers us. When you’re on edge of evil, just think one thing – where do you want to belong?
Good world contains good people, selfless relations, love, kindness, satisfaction, stability.
Bad world contains all contradictory of good world. There’s a monster lies within us, so it’s totally up to you whether to live below or above it.
We’re humans and its not great discovery, but discovery of ourselves is crucial discovery. We may make mistakes and get violent too, but two evil words may damage our whole godlike life.
Patience is the strongest suit of good world where bad world offer you simple options at first, but later only grief we get.
When you feel nice, naive joy you feel like you’re in the heaven and you should remember it as a memory mark. If you feel to be bad, go back to the memory mark and tell yourself that you’d not feel the real joy if you do bad.
Grief makes us impatient, helpless and shows us bad ways, but it only testes us and our limits.
We’ve two hearts. There may be bad lies within your heart, but keeping it is wrong. Bad thoughts may come in your mind, but it’s not wrong, but giving it space to settle or ponder is first step towards the sin.
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