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Showing posts from January 21, 2018

To be a better, not perfect

       In our daily life, to be a perfect person or personality, we often struggle to be better. Many times we can't tell ourselves that what we lack that we need to achieve to be better and be still in the race. We get depressed that we have talent and will power, but still not making progress or getting any success.        To improve our personality, we need to think that we can, how much is the another question, certainly we can. “In order to succeed, we must believe that we can.” -Michael Korda

Are you confused about what to do with your life? Take an interview; of yourself

     Many times you know your goals, steps, ways to how to get there, but get perplexed or feels like is there anything I was supposed to do differently? To get rid of that problem you can interview; of yourself. Surprised?       Take pencil and paper and write down the questions that you need answered. Write what you think of all of it. Whatever comes in your mind while writing, write it down. You’ll feel relaxed. Don’t edit or criticize or correct.      Write like you’re being interviewing and it’s like an informal interview, so write and write. It’ll feel divine and in addition to that you’ll get answers that will ease your life.      This solution may look cheesyat first, but if you don’t want to be exhausted, then this is a convenient way to be relaxed. Whenever I get confused, I write. I meditate sometimes.      There’s a saying – “it’s all in the mind". You’ve all answers of all questions you poss...