Many times, something happens for a reason or without a reason. Things go south on you, but it leaves impact on you. Time passes for everyone but not for you; a wound which never healed. What’s that? Forgive. Either you don’t forgive someone or yourself. You just need to forgive not because that person deserves to be forgiven, but you deserve a peace. You feel free when you heal, and you heal when you forgive. You may think that it doesn’t matter if you forgive or not, but I’m here to tell you – it does. There’s a saying – “Let’s not dwell on the past.” It has a deep meaning. It was a past’s job to be happened, it is future’s job that is going to happen, but it’s present’s job that make it happen; now. You might have made a lot of serious mistakes in past, but what can you do for it? It was in the past and don’t ruin the present for it. You either waste your present repairing it or learn from it and not make the same mistak...
All about psycholgy of everyday, human emotions with spark of motivation.