TRANSIENT LIKE SMOKE Life is transient. Don’t waste it living miserable or in worries. Human’s been on the Earth from millions years. If you calculate, your 100 year life is like transient. OWN GOOD DIFFERENCES We live as human, so we’ve our own advantage being most intelligent species on the Earth. We eat, wear, think, decide in our life which we get only once, so it’s up to us how to live. OUR TERMS If it’s transient, then why on someone else’s term? We’re born to do something new, challenging, and fantastic only if we figure out what we’re made for or passionate about? If we figure out, then slowly you’ll figure out that there’s always room in your desired career to do something great. YOU IS IMPORTANT, NOT ME Nothing matters more than you. Every human is different and made for something great. There’s a saying – live like life’s transient and study like eternal.
All about psycholgy of everyday, human emotions with spark of motivation.