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Aspire to inspire

     Whenever I got low, I used to look for an inspiration that I rarely found it. We hear inspiration stories of legends, but sometimes those fail to inspire us. We often get inspired by examples which exist among us.
     We may belong to different countries, but our motive is same – success; it can be anything. Many times, we fail to take action and we need a spark of inspiration. It’s our duty to inspire each other by our efforts, work, and success.
     While my opening my blog, I was thinking like what I’m going to write about. I came up with many ideas, but mostly went into trash. After pondering many days, what I lacked should be given – inspiration.
     I decided to write a blog to inspire people, but problem is – I don’t know that do I even inspire few? Is anything inspiring? No one comments, there’s no feedback. How would I know?
     I write and post. There’s been only one motive behind all of these posts – inspiration. You never know what may inspire you? Or what will you get ‘between the lines’? What your mindset will be after reading particular sentence or paragraph? Then I read somewhere that you share what you think?
     Your some thoughts may give some new perspective, vision. There’s always difference between where we’re standing. Some of your experiences may not that much interesting for you, but those can be inspiring for someone. It should be in descent language filtered with abusive language.

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