Don’t waste life living someone else’s life.
-Steve Jobs
He really meant it. We are all different from each other, but made to live together. Although we’ve divided by country, religion, face, color but not blood. And science says 99% of our DNA is same, but what about that 1%. If you think, that’d be our identity.
I’ve heard that there are 7 people in the world who exactly look just like you and there’s 9 % possibility that you’d meet one of them in your lifetime. Fascinating, isn’t it? Even if you meet one, who looks just like you, I bet he’d not be like you by characteristics; like mindset, experience, life approach, vision, nature, behavior.
If person who looks just like you have different from you, then what people around you?
The most important thing is you shouldn’t resist to being yourselves. Being yourself doesn’t mean behave as you want! It means take your own decisions where you can and without anyone’s influence. Have attitude; don’t hesitate to show yourself confident.
God’s given us all different roles, responsibilities and no one can play your role better than you.
Life is transient and thoughts are eternal. We get our life once if you don’t believe in rebirth, and how do you suppose to live it; on own terms or someone else’s?
Be the best version of you. That’ll be your victory. If you find your true core gift or talent, strive till success, then you’re known about your field more than anyone and as you know in your field, working isn’t work, it is play for you.
-Steve Jobs
He really meant it. We are all different from each other, but made to live together. Although we’ve divided by country, religion, face, color but not blood. And science says 99% of our DNA is same, but what about that 1%. If you think, that’d be our identity.
I’ve heard that there are 7 people in the world who exactly look just like you and there’s 9 % possibility that you’d meet one of them in your lifetime. Fascinating, isn’t it? Even if you meet one, who looks just like you, I bet he’d not be like you by characteristics; like mindset, experience, life approach, vision, nature, behavior.
If person who looks just like you have different from you, then what people around you?
The most important thing is you shouldn’t resist to being yourselves. Being yourself doesn’t mean behave as you want! It means take your own decisions where you can and without anyone’s influence. Have attitude; don’t hesitate to show yourself confident.
God’s given us all different roles, responsibilities and no one can play your role better than you.
Life is transient and thoughts are eternal. We get our life once if you don’t believe in rebirth, and how do you suppose to live it; on own terms or someone else’s?
Be the best version of you. That’ll be your victory. If you find your true core gift or talent, strive till success, then you’re known about your field more than anyone and as you know in your field, working isn’t work, it is play for you.